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This platform showcases the collective wisdom and diverse perspectives of our community members. Explore engaging content written by individuals passionate about these topics. Whether you're an author eager to share your expertise or a curious reader, this is your space to celebrate knowledge, creativity, and the synergy of women's health and technology through contributed articles.

Is it time to rethink gynaecological healthcare?

by Alessia Squinteri

Historically, women's health has been narrowly associated with breasts and reproductive organs, termed "bikini medicine," resulting in gender healthcare disparities. Efforts have been made to normalise gynaecological care, but barriers persist, particularly concerning adolescents who often lack knowledge about their healthcare needs and feel uncomfortable with standard questions during gynaecological appointments. Additionally, Alessia's article highlights the importance of considering psychological, social, and cultural factors in women's health and mentions the emergence of femtech solutions and virtual clinics aiming to provide more comprehensive and accessible support.

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Chronic stress and women's health

by Alessia Squinteri

Alessia's article delves into the intricate physiological responses to chronic stress, exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, and examines the impact on the body's stress-response systems, notably the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and cortisol secretion. Elevated cortisol levels, resultant from chronic stress, inhibit reproductive hormone release, signaling the body's unsuitability for pregnancy, jeopardizing fertility, and heightening the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) due to sustained low estrogen levels. The article also highlightes some femtech innovations offering tailored solutions employing neuroscience, sound therapy, and data-driven approaches to mitigate the adverse physiological and psychological effects of stress on women's health.

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Fertility preservation: GenZ and innovative solutions

by Alessia Squinteri

Fertility preservation encompasses safeguarding a person’s oocytes (also known as ‘eggs’), sperm, reproductive (ovarian/testicular) tissue, and/or embryos for potential use in conceiving biological children later in life. Unlike sperm, which are continuously produced in the testicles from puberty onwards, all oocytes are generated before birth and stored in the ovaries in small pockets called follicles. Oocyte cryopreservation to ensure the preservation of fertility is therefore strongly recommended in the face of medical treatments or conditions that may impact ovarian function. Additionally, an increasing number of women are opting for oocyte or ovarian tissue cryopreservation to mitigate age-related fertility issues. Read all about this in Alessia's new article! 

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Postpartum Depression

by Maxence-Viktor Liesenborgs

Dive into an insightful exploration of Postpartum Depression (PPD), a condition that touches the lives of up to 20% of new mothers, yet often remains shrouded in silence and misunderstanding. This article sheds light on the stark realities of PPD, from its symptoms and causes to the challenges of diagnosis and the myriad factors contributing to its underdiagnosis. But there's hope on the horizon – innovative treatments and pioneering femtech startups are paving the way for a future where postpartum care is revolutionised and given the attention it deserves. Read all about this in Maxence's article!

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